A maybe on a wrap-up party

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Over two hours of chatting about everything and nothing - Ireland, Lithuania, girls, blokes, jobs, drinks, etc. - and he asked me if I would like to go to see a movie with him someday.

"Maybe", I said and he pointed out he doesn't like maybes.

Before that he asked me if I was engaged. I said I am married happily with two kids. And despite the fact I keep bugging my best friend in Ireland about her inability to lie, after a few seconds I admitted it was a joke - no kids and no marriage. No boyfriend either. Honesty is my merit and my shortcoming.

I took his phone number (he said he'd prefer me to have his). I deleted it after I got on the Dart.

It was Dun Laoghaire Festival of World Cultures wrap-up party. It looks like participants of all parties aim for the same... or perhaps I am getting old... Next time I'll try to be more pretentious. I'm happily married with two kids. A boy and girl. My husband is named Brian. He's 30. And we're deeply in love. It all looks very easy when on the screen...

This Post has 2 Comments Add your own!
Anonymous - August 30, 2007 at 1:01 PM

So someone asking you to the Cinema is offensive? I'll keep that in mind.

Lina - August 30, 2007 at 4:35 PM

NO! It is not. Come on anonymous, you get the idea what I mean by the post :)

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