My first movie. "60 seconds"

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As I've said in "You Tube", this is part of my project for NCAD course.

At first made with soundtrack (Sigur Ros "Sé Lest"), but then I thought the song is too good itself. So just play anything you like, if you feel it.

60 seconds and almost a minute. Time spotting.

"If I talk about time, it's because it doesn't exist. If I talk about a place, it's because it has disappeared. " (from Jean Luc Goddard's "Dans le noir du temps"). I guess it shouldn't be on You Tube.

This Post has 5 Comments Add your own!
Derren - April 24, 2008 at 2:09 PM

Hi Lina,

My name is Derren Hogarty and I'm director of Learn English in Dublin.

I'm currently managing a project of building a new website for all visitors to Ireland called Babylon Radio (it is also a webradio station).

It will have all information needed for living here and broadcast music , art etc. from all around the world, with a focus on promoting people living in Ireland.

Would you like to meet for a coffee and a chat about the project?

you can call me at 085 170 4414 or email



Annie - April 26, 2008 at 9:44 AM

Great stuff, well done!

Unknown - March 19, 2014 at 3:23 PM

Derren Hogarty

Ese es el nombre del individuo que capta alumnos a través de la red y luego los deja plantados en Dublín. Una vez que ha cobrado el dinero por adelantado, no imparte las clases contratadas y se desentiende completamente del problema.

No es digno de confianza ni ejerce como profesor: en el horario de clase, se dedica a recuperarse de sus salidas nocturnas.

Recordar el nombre: Derren Hogarty.

Unknown - March 19, 2014 at 3:24 PM

Derren Hogarty

That's the name of the individual that captures students through the network and then leaves planted in Dublin. Once you have collected the money up front, not the contracted taught classes and completely ignores the problem.

Not trustworthy or he teaches: in class time is devoted to recover from their nights out.

Remember the name: Derren Hogarty.

Unknown - March 19, 2014 at 3:25 PM


A este impresentable que se hace llamar profesor y vende clases de inglés por internet,Pay Pal le ha obligado a devolver el dinero que ha cobrado por un servicio que no presta.


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